These past few days have been some of the most confusing I can remember.
How is it I can reconcile myself to the idea of caring so deeply for two men who couldn't be so very different from one another? One I want to wash away his pain, remind him that life still happens even after losing the person you hold dearest. The other... he is beginning to take my heart. The prospect both terrifies and thrills me. I know I risk a great deal of pain opening up as I have to him. But pain is a part of the intricate dance of relationships, so I shouldn't shy away. Something in my core tells me any pain will be worth his smile.
I sound like a crush-addled 60-year-old. They are both more dear to me than I think either understands. I only hope I don't prove myself a fool in trying to handle what I feel.
((Below are more musical notations. There are two lines, a refrain written for two parts to sing in harmony.))